My name is Susan Ekhoff and it’s my mission in joy to welcome you.

I was raised in a small town in the foothills of Virginia and know from experience that you can’t extract that southern charm from the girl—even when she lives on the plains of Oklahoma. If you came to my house in Tulsa, I would bid you select your favorite flavor of tea from the big yellow bowl on my counter and beg you to rest and rock a while. I love hospitality, honoring my guests, and hearing their stories—that’s why I decided to write mine.


I’m a writer.

That still surprises me to say. I never dreamed that scribbling away in my journal would culminate in publishing books.

·      Prayer That Must, The Power of Conversational Prayer is an invitation to embark on the greatest adventure of all—a life in prayer. I hope my book reveals how faithful is our God to reveal Himself and teach us to love Him. Our conversation with Jesus is the conversation that will make all the difference.

·      I also had the honor of helping write and edit my mother’s Christian memoir The Lamp, Be Aglow and Burning with the Spirit; her book contains 18 true short stories about her life in Christ. It’s stuffed with practical wisdom and quite a page-turner.

·      I am currently editing a third book Adopted by one of my writing students Gloria Fuller. She wrote her book at age 12 and is now preparing to publish it at age 15. It is the true story of her struggles as a Ugandan orphan and the joys and adjustments of her American adoption.

I’m an artist.

I celebrate sweet sounds, fresh fragrances, and sight delights. And as I do, I can’t help but do a little photography and painting—usually portraits or still life as opposed to landscape. Close-up seems so much friendlier than far way.

I’m a teacher.

I love students of all ages. It’s easy to detect these lifelong learners—their eyes flash with a certain curiosity and understanding. Being with them inspires me.

I’m a family girl.

My phenomenal husband Richard and I have been married for almost 34 years. And we have raised seven children into adult life. As you can imagine, we’ve had lots of marriage and parenting practice (not all lovely) and made lots of discoveries along the way. Now we want so much to encourage other families, as we were encouraged when we were in the trenches.

Most of all, I belong to Jesus. He is my First Love and the reason I live.

My mission

·      To seek Jesus and inspire others to know Him for themselves

·      To honor my family and do them good all the days of my life

·      To be a faithful friend through life’s seasons and on into Heaven

·      To really see the person standing in front of me

·      To mentor and be mentored until we’re all built up into the Head of the Church

·      To “write the vision” and encourage others to do the same

·      To help young parents establish their homes in wisdom and peace

·      To see Jesus heal painful memories

·      To be found faithful in prayer

·      To plant revival in ways that transcend my generation




Ministries I love!